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Carney Monthbook | October

Nov 1, 2018

pumpkin patch

With fall festivities, both mine and Wayne’s birthdays and the temperature dropping low enough where you don’t sweat on the walk to your car…October was the month of celebrations! This month also marks the beginning of the holiday season. (Hallmark began their holiday movies, you’re welcome for that news update!)


While the first event that happened this month was heartbreaking, it did end in sweet celebration. The month began with the loss of a friend’s baby. About 25 people from our microchurch (Bible study) came together to prep, cook and deliver 11 pans full of meals. We had several stations of groups making meals and worked together to serve one of our own. A few days later, we wore pink and celebrated this precious baby’s life with a sweet ceremony and luncheon. I love this group we do life with. In sorrow and victory, we are with one another. This is my Acts 2 church.

Holiday minis happened this month! We only offer these mini sessions twice a year. While we specialize in weddings, we love these mini sessions because it carves out time to photograph more families. It’s been really sweet to see clients that started with us during their engagement and now they now have growing and beautiful families.


palm beach family

One of the weekends we had a wedding in our hometown, so the next day we had a family day at the Bedner’s Farm pumpkin patch. It was probably the hottest day of the year (South Florida didn’t get the fall weather memo), but I was grateful for some quality time with my parents. A lot of the time, I travel to West Palm for work and don’t get a ton of free time, so this was a little gift for me to be able to spend an afternoon with my family.

Bedner's pumpkin patch

Bedner's pumpkin patch

Happy 32nd birthday to me!

The day was filled with rest and a ton of quality time, which is my love language. The day started with Wayne and I sitting on our kitchen floor at 1a and reminiscing on favorite memories from 31. With Ben and Jerry’s in hand, it was the perfect way to begin the day. Then he woke up extra early to make me breakfast in bed. I thought it would be a grand idea to bring Ethan’s breakfast in with me. You can’t tell in the picture, but Ethan has chocolate pancakes in that plate of his. It ended up all over those white sheets. Thank goodness for Shout spray!

I took half the day off and kept Ethan home from daycare, so that we could have some time together just us. For lunch, we went met up with Daddy and some of my favorite ladies downtown for a birthday picnic. This is the third year in a row, so I’m thinking it’s going to be my tradition. Before leaving the plaza downtown, I got a mimosa popsicle from Hyppo (highly recommend)! The next morning I got to continue the celebration by having a coffee date with another girlfriend in my kitchen. Bring on all the quality time!

This month was our associate’s first wedding! She blew it out of the water with her servanthood and friendliness. There were so many moments where Wayne and I would look over at each other and have a look of agreement… this was right. In the image below, she was assisting me in the styling of the bride’s details.

Pumpkin patches and trunk or treats! Some of our microchurch friends hung out at the big pumpkin patch in town for a fellowship night. We capped the night at Dunkin for donuts and ice cream.

Since we knew we were going to be missing Halloween this year, our little fam went to a trunk or treat event. Ethan was dressed as the Cowardly Lion from the Wizard of Oz. His costume may have been a tad small. So small, that you can see his toes peeking out from the rip at the bottom of his costume. Whoops! Also, this was our first time experiencing trunk or treat as parents. Definitely prefer this over going house to house. More candy in less amount of time!

Last but not least, Wayne’s 33rd birthday! He worked all day and studied all night (really, pulled an all nighter), but we got to have study break snuggles and Ethan even sang happy birthday for the first time. Currently, I have him by my side waiting to leave for our flight to MEXICO! This is where we will really celebrate his birthday and our 7 year wedding anniversary.

Thanks for reading about our October family adventures! Excited to share details about our Mexico trip we are headed to for November! Until then …


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