Their love story in one sentence (as told by Christian): “She is the catnip to my cat, the chips to my sandwich, and the pebble to my penguin.”
The night Larissa and Christian met, Christian strategically sat next to Larissa at a coworker’s birthday dinner. As they got to know one another they realized they shared a mutual love of sandwiches and penguins. Somehow they got on the subject about how the male suitor finds the perfect pebble and presents it to the female he likes and, if she accepts, they mate for life.
On their fifth anniversary, Christian took Larissa to the Tampa Aquarium for a one on one penguin experience. He told Larissa that his sister “won it at her work.” With Cliff, the penguin in her lap, she was handed a box and told it was Cliff’s birthday. When she opened the box, she was surprised to find a pebble and a note, that read “Will you marry me?” She, of course, said yes all while petting Cliff, the penguin, extremely fast. As they were leaving the penguin experience, Larissa was surprised to find all of their closest friends and family waiting outside to celebrate with them. (I’m a sucker for this story because Wayne actually took me to the same aquarium the weekend before asking me out, because I too love penguins for the same reason!)
Their wedding day dawned a bit cloudy and absolutely FREEZING. But nothing was going to stop these two from promising their forevers to each other outside in front of the beautiful Barn at Cottonwood Ranch! One of the things that stood out to me the most was how much these two loved their people throughout the day. Every moment in the day was filled with many unique and personal touches with loving their people in mind. For example, during their reception, they had a guys and ladies dance off to make the party interactive. Each dancer was cheered on and the winner of each received a gift card from the couple. They spent money and time to create such special moments for those they loved.
My other favorite moments for the day:
– As they were saying their vows cows mooing loudly in the background
– Speaking of vows, Christian’s goal for his vows were 1. To share with Larissa how he feels about her 2. To make her cry 3. To win best vows
– They had an epic first dance. It started off with the bridal party battling to the song “Summer Nights” from Grease- guys on one side and girls on the other. Then that turned into a choreographed first dance to “It Girl.” They rocked it! Kim and I both cried because it was so good!
– I got to be reunited with one of my favorite past couples who were good friends with the bride and groom.
The fabulous group of vendors: Coordinator: Jessica’s Premier Planning | Caterer: Mission BBQ | DJ: JH Productions | Film Processing: The Find Lab | Florals: Florals by Kari | Hair: Elite Look Productions | Makeup: Lucia & Kimber | Transportation: East Coast Transportation | Violinist: Beautiful Music – Shannon Caine | PhotoBooth: iPhotoBooth JAX

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