I have very special ties to this bride right here. Her mother was Wayne’s youth pastor growing up and actually the one who led Wayne to commit his life back to Christ. It’s safe to say that Makayla’s family is actually really, really special to us because they were a part of shaping our marriage well before we were in a relationship!
Almost 10 years ago, I was engaged to Wayne and stepping into his youth group as the new girl/leader for their big retreat. I vividly remember feeling nervous about not knowing anyone, but they were expected to follow me. Makayla was a young teenager at the time and was THE FIRST ONE to say hi and welcome me into the weekend as a part of their group. It was like Makayla prepared a place for me at her table for me as a friend, even though I was a stranger. All of the nerves of leading a group of young teenagers shifted to feeling like I belonged in this place.
Brandon and Makayla first met each other on the dance floor. Literally, the dance floor. They were line dancing and a mutual friend made the introduction. Makayla remembers immediately thinking, “Brandon was just the cutest thing I ever did see,” but Brandon wasn’t exactly the forward type. Makayla eventually got to know him through their mutual friend. Eventually, Brandon asked Makayla to be his gym buddy, and the rest is history. They started out meeting at the gym 3 days a week. That quickly became smoothies after the gym, and volleyball on Saturdays, and then they played tennis together on Tuesdays. They took any opportunity they could to spend more time around each other to the point that close friends and family knew something was going on between them.
Brandon secretly arranged for Makayla’s entire family to watch him propose at the intercoastal of Palm Beach Island. His plan was to take her on a surprise bike ride and then propose to her while they were “taking a break” in front of the water, as her family that would be watching from a distance.
That morning, he picked Makayla up and took her to rent the bikes on the island. She confessed to us that she was fully aware the bike ride was happening but had no clue he was going to conclude the ride with a proposal. They set out on their bike ride, Makayla wanted to take a path north of the island but Brandon insisted they go south (which she thought was strange but conceded anyway). They headed south and a little way into their bike ride, Makayla insisted they head toward the beach even though he wanted to keep going straight (lol… her family had to wait an extra 30 mins because of her desire to ride by the beach). They eventually made it to the proposal spot and Brandon suggested they take a break. While she was setting her bike down Brandon pulled out the ring. She turned around to hear him say, “Makayla, I love you so much and I want to spend my life with you, will you marry me?” As she was saying, “YASSSSS!”, her whole family came running out from the places they had been hiding.
It was only fitting that their engagement session with me took place the pouring rain because it was pouring rain the day Brandon proposed to Makayla. While the rain fell, they told me their proposal story and how long it took Brandon to make things official after months of platonic friendship. Then we giggled about how Makayla responded when Brandon decided it was time to make their relationship official. She legit told him that she thought they have a “10% chance of success.” Yes, she literally said that to him.
Thankfully, Makayla’s prediction of how successful their relationship would be has proven to be 100% incorrect. lols. They are looking forward to beginning their lives together and I am looking forward to documenting their December wedding celebration. Thankful for the ways the Lord’s lavished His love for Wayne and me through this girl and her family.

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