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Song Family | Gainesville Family Photographer

May 22, 2020

Photos by Kim Moller

Jinah + Daniel are parents of two of the cutest children I have met (outside of my own and my nieces and nephews). We first met over a year ago when they signed up for our fall mini sessions. This past February, I was so excited when I receive an email from them requesting scheduling another session with me. You guys, it is truly a sweet joy when past clients reach out to request additional photo time with us. What a privilege to document the growth of children, watch couple settles into new rhythms in their relationship, and reconnect in person. I LOVE IT ALL!

I met up with the Song family at Possum Creek Park here in Gainesville. February’s in Florida are normally p e r f e c t for outdoor photos. It was cool enough where the sun provided just the right amount of warm fuzziness, as we wandered around the park shooting and chatting about what the last 6 months looked like for each of us. The two kids were such troopers. And as you will see, they were so sweet together… can you even with the way big brother is holding his little sister?  So adorable.  This makes my momma heart beat just a little bit quicker and it makes me think of how I see my own children interact together. I hope that these two (and my own children) will be sweet friends and love each other deeply as they grow up.

Song family, y’all are the cutest ever.  I hope you enjoy these photos for years to come!


What has been the best part of becoming parents? There are so many things…for me, carrying them and feeling them grow inside me was just extraordinary and magical. It still leaves me in awe of how God decided to create His children. For both of us, while there are so many to name, the best part is to see each other take on a new role, a new name: mommy and daddy. Before becoming parents, we were husband, wife, best friends, colleagues, and so on. But to be given these new roles as parents is definitely transformational. I saw things in Daniel (and in me) that were never seen before, never felt before. We, without trying, became more selfless than we’ve ever been before for our babies. I love that and cherish that so much. And then I well up with tears realizing that’s what our Heavenly Father does for us, but infinitely more.

What is something you have learned about yourself or your husband in this new parenting journey? One is people say all the time but it’s true – parenting allows us just a tiny glimpse of God’s love for us. I often remind myself to stop and think about how He parents us before I think about how I want to implement discipline or approach a challenge. I realize that God is almost always gentle, kind, soft, warm, loving, patient (SO patient), and quiet (not that He’s not engaged, but He is slow to anger). I don’t do it well – at all – but I come back to that place and start again where I see God as my Father, and how He handles my tantrums, difficult situations or challenges with me.

What is the best thing you’ve learned since becoming parents? Jinah -That we need the Lord daily, hourly, moment by moment (signing “every hour I need you!”). I think we learn SO much by becoming parents, and we also get to see ourselves well by being parents. I realize I fall short often, but because these babies were gifts specifically chosen by God for us, I know we can keep going. Thankfully, we have the BEST source in us.  Daniel – Honestly, I learned how much we DON’T know… it’s humbling. It also shows a lot of grace because our son forgives us all the time, and quick to apologize. It gives me a chance to grow and reflect on God’s grace for us.

What is the most honest thing you can say about being a parent?   The days are long, but the years are short. But the kind of joy you experience by loving on and being loved on by your children is extraordinary. Our hearts ooze of more love than ever before.


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