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Intentional photographs that are joyful, emotional and timeless. Let's create something beautiful together. 


favorite moments . 2013

Jan 7, 2014

Yesterday marked one year that I started this blog. Jesus, as usual, is good. I don’t even know how to begin to explain my gratefulness for the year. I hope t o never grow tired of saying “Thank You.”

I decided that instead of listing off the blessings we had, I will just share that it was a very good year for us and a very challenging year at the same time. I am proud to say that I am nothing without the power of Christ. The biggest lesson of my year was that in Him and through Him all things are possible, NOT by my control. I have always heard and believed this, but goodness… this past year made that truth ring louder. 2013 was a real gift. Thank You, always.

Thank you to my sweet husband/handsome second shooter. You will always be my number one fan and I will always be yours. Thank you for everything you do for me and that crazy puppy of ours. You’re my favorite person.

Thank you to our friends and family who supported us, helped us move three times and were patient with us even through our intense schedules. We’re so lucky to be doing life with you guys.

… and finally, thank you to our clients who gave us the greatest honor of being their story-tellers. You stir an incredible passion in my heart. We have the best job.

This year I will be doing much more blogging, I promise. The following is a collection of some of our favorite moments from 2013. Some images have been introduced previously on the blog while others have been waiting to make their appearance. Enjoy :

Molliner Photography

The following images are from second shooting the fabulous Katie from KT Crabb Photography, Ashley from Ashley Gillett Photography

and Michelle from Michelle Kristine Photography. Thank you for letting me tag along with you on your adventure.



  1. Your year looks fantastic! I love how you use the scenery and colors. I feel like I’m right there with you guys! Perfect captures!

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