Our Selah girl! Happy birthday!
You don’t often wake up in the middle of the night anymore, but I was happy to have you up this morning. You awoke a little after 12am, which was right around the time I was in labor with you a year ago. Your daddy and I were awake so we got to say Happy Birthday and play with you a bit. We were both so exhausted moments before hearing your cry, but being with you genuinely lit us up.
That really is a testament to who you are in our lives. Your existence has healed our hearts with waves of increased refreshment, joy, and enlivenment. While you were a surprise gift to us, the Lord used the gift of your life to re-teach us the joy of stillness (which is no surprise as you are living up to the meaning of your name), and oh our family needed it.

Learning who you are and what your preferences are has been a joy each month. Glimpses of your personality are showing and it has been a delight to witness. Goodness, I cannot wait to see the woman you become, but I am really enjoying the moments of your littleness…how you giggle when I nibble at your feet, or how your little voice says “uh ohhhhh,” or how you confuse Dada for doggy so you look around for Penny, or how you love to crawl to the toilet faster than we can catch up to you. Your brother, daddy and I love to witness as you take in your surroundings and we fill up with joy just watching you. You really are treasured.

I love that you sleep in so late for your age, this is not something I’ll ever complain about at this age. The later you wake up, the wilder your bedhead is. It’s been a fan favorite that just keeps getting better and more wild the longer your hair grows. You’ve learned to self-soothe through the night, which has been helpful. I pray that learning to self-soothe is an easy transition towards teaching you how to process big emotions. I pray that we can lead you in the ways the Holy Spirit has taught us about gentleness and self-control as you learn to respond to your emotions in the next couple of years. I pray that grace and gentleness are tied around every response as you navigate loving and honoring those around you.

Another thing we learned is that you like to eat. In fact, we learned that the sounds of hangry can reach a decibel we didn’t know existed. You eat absolutely anything in front of you, which is great when it’s food! Your big brother loves to step in to help feed you and he also loves to step in to help protect you. More often than me, he has caught (and even dug in your mouth) for tiny items. Your favorite things to put in your mouth are puffs, eggs, grass, and my cell phone. I pray that you being adventurous doesn’t end there. I pray this means that you’ll be adventurous in your curiosity for the Lord, for others, and for cultures. We are praying that the Holy Spirit leads your curiosity towards more understanding and empathy.

Our girl, more than anything, I hope you learn about the generous love of the Father because He has been so generous with adding you to our lives. Your Daddy and I will spend the rest of our lives dedicated to teaching you and your brother the refreshment that comes from the still water beside Jesus. A beloved selah that gives us life.

I adore you. I adore you. I adore you, my daughter.
Love you always,
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